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I Just Want My Cupcake

 Dear Diary, I was speaking to someone recently about my season of singleness. I was trying to explain to them what the wait actually felt like to me. So, I used this analogy that I want to share with you.  The waiting is like when we were in elementary school and someone had a birthday. They would bring cupcakes for everyone in the class so we could celebrate together. As a member of class, you knew that there was a cupcake for you. As the birthday boy or girl was handing out the cupcakes, you patiently waited for the moment when you could enjoy that rush of sugary goodness. But you’re in the back of the class, so you have to wait till the people in the front get their cupcakes. As you are waiting, you are watching the other students take large bites of their cupcakes, lick the frosting, slowly peel back the paper and you know yours is coming but watching others enjoy theirs only makes you long for your turn that much more.  That is what the wait feels like. You know that there is a c

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